Day 4 - Greenland Traverse - West to East

Our scheduled Iridium satellite phone call this morning arrived exactly at the minute of our planned update. Like everything so far in this expedition, Brecht's communication from the Greenland Icecap to our Belgian base camp proceeded like clock-work.

Brecht proudly reported that our team advanced an additional 23,5 kilometres yesterday and were packed and ready to begin another day of advancement towards Greenland's east coast.

The team is working under relatively warm conditions with high temperatures around -1°C to 0°C. Last night they experienced some light snow, a bit of hail, and a veil of mist but this morning at their departure hour the sun was peeking through the stubborn low-hanging clouds. Lows tonight should reach around -7°C and tomorrow's forecast calls for a bit more wind out of the south and slightly lower temperatures of -12°C.

Pierre snapped this portrait of his teammate Olivier as they patiently waited for the start signal this morning.

Please continue to follow their progress with regular blog posts here and also their LiveTracker information can be found at Expeditions Unlimited.

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