Day 4 - Reorganisation

Day 4 of our Arctic Circle Trail Expedition found our team at an organisational crossroads. A key component of any grand adventure is resilience and our teammate Gino found himself with a difficult but ultimately wise decision.

An old knee injury reignited during the first few days of progression which resulted in limited movement by Gino. Given that the first few days of this route are relatively flat, and that his advancement slowed even with redistributed sled equipment weight, Gino chose to exit the expedition before more demanding terrain made the situation even more complicated.

The team stuck together until the pickup could reach him at Canoe Center yesterday afternoon around 14:00 local time. Gino then returned to Kangerlussuaq where he hopes to first rest and then resume his travels to reunite with his team in Sisimiut at their finish next week.

Brecht then led Marc, Jérôme and Simon further along the meandering Arctic Circle Trail yesterday afternoon. They pushed through until just after 19:00 local time and advanced a respectable 12,3 kilometres in just a 1/2 day labour. Weather conditions were unusually balmy with temperatures climbing just above the freezing point to +1 C.

Please continue to follow their journey here and also at Expeditions Unlimited in French with live tracking feature.

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