
Our Arctic Circle Trail Expedition participants - Olivier, Jean-Luc, Leo, Thomas, Damien, Jürgen and Diego - landed in Kangerlussuaq around noon local time today. It took a while to gather their gear from the airport but once it was finally collected they moved to their nearby accommodations.

With the ambitious plan to begin their trek tomorrow, the team wasted no time and began to immediately work on their expedition gear preparations. Manu was pleased to report that the weather had warmed considerably since yesterday and it was amidst these pleasant conditions that they rehearsed basic tasks like camp set-up and break-down.

They stopped briefly for a hearty lunch at the noticeably later hour, a sign that they will need to slowly adjust to the -4 hour difference from their home time zone.

The rest of the afternoon was spent on food preparations and the arrangement of their personal gear. Manu was pleased to see that each person had packed relatively lightly.

After this long travel day, our participants look forward to a solid night's rest in their simple yet cozy accommodations. Tomorrow we await their announcement for a departure time to the start of the Arctic Circle Trail, their gateway to the 160 kilometre journey toward Sissimiut.

Please continue to follow their adventure here and also at our partner Expeditions Unlimited with its LiveExplorer tracking feature.

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