*New Destination* Level 1 - Finland

Polar Experience guide Manu Poudelet has customised a unique Level 1 expedition for our novice explorers.

Finland's Lake Inari offers a pristine location tailored for an introductory experience in winter expedition travel under polar conditions. For our European participants, this location is easily accessible and therefore a convenient first step in one's polar expedition menu.

For all of our adventurers in any level of expertise, our entire Polar Experience menu is now even more beautifully profiled via our booking partner's exquisitely renewed website. Expeditions Unlimited is THE expert in polar travel and logistics and we proudly and exclusively partner with them for our guided expeditions.

And for those of you still seduced by our recent television exposure on Belgium's "De Expeditie", we're solidifying our new Greenland Arctic Circle Trail expedition teams for 2025. This Level 2 experience remains a highlight of our expedition offering and one that we hope to share with those Level 2 experienced adventurers seeking a distinctive challenge.

Are you ready to start your polar experience today?
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