Polar Experience Guides Ready for New Season

Our Polar Experience guide team members have spent the past few months staying sharp for the new polar season on our doorstep. While everyone is ready to get back out on the ice, it may be interesting to see some of their other passions from recent times.

Karin Sloove travelled often over the past months in search of adventurous guiding activities in wilderness areas from Sweden to Spain. Pictured above we see her on one of her various rock climbing excursions on the Spanish coast.

Manu Poudelet represented Team France at the World Rescue Challenge in Lanzarote last month where he and his teammate placed 7th in this prestigious global competition. When not guiding a polar adventure, Manu is an emergency trauma nurse.

Brecht De Meulenaer spent much time this summer birding and observing wildlife in his beloved High Caucasus region of Georgia. Pictured here is a breath-taking area near Svaneti. Brecht's comprehensive book on the topic of Georgian wildlife is available here.

Henk-Jan Geel guided a team of strong participants on an impressive late summer east to west traverse of the Greenland Ice Cap from Tasiilaq to Kangerlussuaq via Arctic Adventure.

On top of his "day job" at a Belgian telecommunications company, Rob Vercauteren was an indispensable member of our Polar Experience guide team during our Arctic Circle Trail Expedition last February.

Olivier Bourcet enjoyed his first winter trail run in fresh snow this week in preparation of his extensive Polar Experience training program that launch this month.

And finally, Mika Charavin has used his off-season to prepare for his intense snowkite guiding activities that will take place in Norway starting very soon. Greenland and Antarctica are also on Mika's program in the not-too-distant future.

We're very proud of our seven exceptional Polar Experience guides who are ready to welcome you on your dream adventure!

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