Days 4 & 5 - Leads & Breezes

This weekend our Lake Baikal Expedition team experienced a few interesting challenges during their daily progression.

Yesterday, they navigated around several leads - or open splits - that pierced through the lake's surface revealing a glimpse into the depths of this mysteriously profound body of water. Brecht used extreme caution when leading the team across each lead and this varied terrain forced our participants to progress with heightened awareness.

Today the higher than expected winds tormented our participants as they struggled to move forward. It was admittedly a tough day of exertion in extremely cold temperatures, but their evening campsite established an environment of rest and rejuvenation. Tomorrow is another day ... with approximately 120 kilometres to travel until they reach their final destination.

Please continue to follow our team's progress at Expeditions Unlimited with it LiveExplorer tracking feature.

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